22nd Society for Free Radical Research International
Biennial Meeting
Hosted by SFRR Europe

June 3-6, 2025
22nd Society for Free Radical Research International Biennial Meeting (hosted by SFRR Europe)
Location: Galway, Ireland

22nd SFRRI Biennial Meeting hosted by the Society for Free Radical Research - Europe
Galway, Ireland 2025 June 03-06
The New Era of Redox Biology: from Basic Biochemistry to Redox Omics
Travel grant applications: January 10, 2025
Abstract submissions: February 10, 2025
Early bird registrations: March 31, 2025

Welcome Message
Dear Colleagues,
The 2025 22nd SFRR-I Biennial meeting hosted by SFRR-E will be held from June 3-6, 2025 in Galway, Ireland, at the niversity of Galway campus, positioned on the edge of Europe, poised on the Atlantic seaboard.
Established in 1845, University of Galway has a distinguished reputation for research excellence. Our vibrant, creative city provides a distinctive platform for stimulating scientific discussions. This meeting will showcase exciting new developments at the frontiers of redox biology and free radical research that cross the boundaries of the life sciences, medicine and industry. International experts and conference attendees will find an modern venue in a unique destination, with unparalleled hospitality and scenic beauty. In addition to peer reviewed symposia and competitive selective oral sessions, we are excited to share special sessions dedicated to young researchers and early bird activities. I extend a warm invitation to you, your accompanying guests and sponsors from across the world to the Society for Free Radical Research International Biennial Conference in Galway 2025. In the words of the Irish language, “Céad míle fáilte romhaibh” or “one hundred thousand welcomes” to all involved in this prestigious event.
Dr. Kasia Goljanek-Whysall,
On behalf of the local Organising Committee all involved in this prestigious event.
Congress Venue
Bailey Allen Hall, Aras na MacLeinn
Upper Newcastle, Galway, H91 TK33, Ireland
Conference secretariat: Conventive Kongressagentur GmbH I +43 664 536 11 37 I info@sfrrigalway2025.com
Photocredits: Prof. Chaosheng Zhang, shutterstock 99675320, 2425225343, 735333076
Call of SFRR-E honorary lectures for the SFRR-I Galway Meeting 2025
Dear colleagues,
We are inviting the submission of nominations for the following SFRR-E honorary lectures to be presented at the SFRR-I Biennial Meeting 2025, which will be organized by SFRR-E and will take place in Galway, Ireland on the 3rd - 6th June 2025.
SFRR-E Annual Award Lecture
SFRR-Europe Basic Science Award Lecture
SFRR-E Catherine Pasquier Memorial Lecture
SFRR-E Leopold Flohé Redox Pioneer Young Investigator Award
Only current members of SFRR-E are able to submit nominations for special lectures, and must login into the member area of the SFRR-E website (intranet.sfrr-europe.org) and select the option “Call for Honorary Lectures for SFRR-I Galway Meeting 2025” in the menu on the left.
Nominations should be submitted before or by the deadline of 20th September 2024 as a PDF file using the word templates:
Please download the guidelines for these honorary lectures.
An International Scientific Advisory Board will evaluate all nominations and the SFRR-E Executive will then select nominees with the highest rankings.
Thank you for your active collaboration with SFRR-E.
Best regards,
Clare Hawkins
General Secretary of SFRR-Europe
Call for Symposia proposals for the next biennial meeting of SFRR-International, Galway, Ireland, June 3-6, 2025

Dear colleagues,
We are inviting the submission of Symposium proposals for the next biennial meeting of SFRR-International, which will be organized by SFRR-E and held in Galway, Ireland from June 3-6, 2025.
Please submit your Symposium proposal using the template provided through the SFRR-E web site (www.sfrr-europe.org) before the deadline of 20th September 2024. Applications with the inclusion of sources of sponsorship are encouraged.
Current SFRR-E members will be able to submit Symposium proposals after they login into the intranet via the SFRR-E website, by choosing the “Symposium proposal” option in the menu on the left-hand side.
Members of other regional societies affiliated with SFRR-I can create a profile on the SFRR-E intranet by selecting the regional society to which they belong, when registering on the SFRR-E intranet to submit the documents. Click on “NEW USER registration” and select your affiliated society via the drop-down menu.
Symposium proposals should be submitted as a single pdf file using the template available on the SFRR-E website. Your proposal should include a summary of the novelty of the symposium and potential sources of sponsorship (max. 300 words), the names, full address, URLs for two Chairs, one of them also participating as speaker, as well as the names, full address, and URLs for 2 additional international speakers (+2-3 reserves and their addresses). In addition, please include provisional lecture titles and abbreviated CVs for the speakers (max. 300 words) and up to 5 selected publications for each one. The inclusion of an early career academic and gender balance/diverse speakers is required.
An International Scientific Committee will evaluate all Symposium proposals.
Three nights of accommodation, social events, and registration fees for invited speakers and chairs will be provided by SFRR-E.
With best wishes,
Katarzyna Whysall Chair of the Organizing Committee | Juan Sastre President, SFRR-Europe | Giuseppe Valacchi President-Elect, SFRR-Europe | Giovanni Mann President of SFRR-International |
SFRR-International are seeking nominations for their 2025 award lectures, to be given at the 22nd SFRR – International Meeting (hosted by SFRR-Europe) at the University of Galway, Ireland 3-6 June 2025

SFRR-International are seeking nominations for their 2025 award lectures, to be given at the 22nd SFRR – International Meeting (hosted by SFRR-Europe) at the University of Galway, Ireland 3-6 June 2025. Further information about the meeting is available at the conference website: https://www.sfrrgalway2025.com
An overview of each award is provided below.
More detailed information about the nomination process, and supporting documentation required to submit a nomination for individual awards can be found here:
SFRR International biennial meeting 2025 (sfrr-europe.org)
The deadline for receipt of nominations by email is 20 September 2024.
Nominations should be sent as a single PDF file to Patricia I. Oteiza (Email: poteiza@ucdavis.edu).
Trevor Slater Award Lecture
The Trevor Slater Award is the highest award of SFRR – International and is awarded on a biennial basis to a scientist who, in the judgment of the International Scientific Committee, has made an outstanding contribution to the field. It was set up in memory of Trevor Slater, a founder and first President of the Society. The award consists of a medal and certificate, and it is a requirement that the recipient presents a lecture at the Biennial meeting where the award is made and subsequently contributes an invited Review Article to Free Radical Biology & Medicine.
Lester Packer Award Lecture
The Lester Packer Award Lecture was established in 2021 in honor of Lester Packer, who edited more than 100 books and published over 800 articles that generated more than 33,000 citations.
The SFRR – International Lester Packer Award Lecture is awarded on a biennial basis to a scientist who, in the judgment of the International Scientific Committee, has made seminal contributions to the field redox biology and nutrition. The award consists of a medal and certificate, and it is a requirement that the recipient presents a lecture at the Biennial meeting where the award is made and subsequently contributes an invited Review Article to Free Radical Biology & Medicine.
Alberto Boveris Award Lecture
The Alberto Boveris Award Lecture was established in 2022 in honor of Alberto Boveris and will be awarded on a biennial basis to a scientist who, in the judgment of the International Scientific Committee, contributed significantly to the field of redox signaling. Alberto Boveris was instrumental in the discovery and characterization of the sites of superoxide production in mitochondria pivotal for the understanding of the metabolism of oxygen by mammalian cells. The award consists of a medal and certificate, and it is a requirement that the recipient presents a lecture at the Biennial meeting where the award is made and subsequently contributes an invited Review Article to Free Radical Biology & Medicine.
Kelvin and Joanna Davies Rising Star Award
The Kelvin and Joanna Davies Rising Star Award is intended to recognize an emerging leader in the Free Radical/Redox Biology field, whose record reflects ongoing and exceptional scientific growth and contributions to our body of knowledge, and increased levels of leadership, responsibility and sphere of impact. Awardees must hold an earned doctoral degree, have completed postdoctoral training, and be in the first six years of a tenure-track appointment, or equivalent. While eligible nominees will have not yet reached a senior-level position, their track record must reflect a strong career trajectory with the probability of forward advancement and potential for appointment at the highest levels.
The names of previous awardees for each award other general information is available from: http://www.sfrr.org/fellowships-and-awards