SFRR-E ECR Subcommittee
November news from the ECR subcommittee
In today's newsletter, we are excited to announce the final webinar of the season discussing Redox methods and the launch of the call for new ECR fellowships. We will also share with ...
SFRR-E ECR 2nd PhD Mini Symposium
1. Abril Gorgori - Harmol as a nutritionalstrategy to improve aged m...
October news from the SFRRE ECR subcommittee
In today's newsletter, we will announce November's webinar, the new edition of our PhD symposium and the opening of the call for new ECR subcommittee members. We will also share with y...
September news from the SFRRE ECR subcommittee
We are ready to go back to work again! In today's newsletter, we will announce the timeline of our next webinar series and October’s webinar, the opening of the call of our editorial...
Welcome Back from the SFRR-E ECR subcommittee
Dear colleagues,
We hope you have had a fantastic summer and if you’re still on holidays, we envy you! We are ready to go back to work again! In today's newsletter, we will share with you the high...
New ECR editorial mentoring programme
The aim of the programme...
May News from the SFRRE ECR subcommittee
In today's newsletter, we will announce the ECR activities that will take place at the annual SFRR-E Meeting in Istanbul. We will also share with you a summary of May’s “Inter-tissue ...
April News from the SFRR-E ECR subcommittee
In today's newsletter, we will announce our next webinar on the topic “Inter-tissue communication”. We will also share with you a summary of April’s “Redox control of aging” webinar, ...
March News from the SFRR-E ECR subcommittee
In today's newsletter, we will share with you a summary of March’s "Grant writing support for ECRs" webinar and announce our next webinar on the topic "Redox control of aging". At the ...
February News from the ECR subcommittee
In today's newsletter, we will announce our next webinar on the topic “Grant writing support for ECRs”. We will also share with you a summary of February’s “Redox signaling in cancer”...
January 2024 News from the ECR subcommittee
In today's newsletter, we will announce our next webinar on the topic “Redox signaling in cancer”. We will also share with you a summary of January’s “Redox mechanisms in plants” webi...
TODAY 9th of January 2024 at 15:00 h CET next webinar on Redox mechanisms in plants
Our next webinar on Redox mechanisms in plants will take place TODAY 9th of January 2024 at 15:00 h CET and we are excited to announce the following speakers:
Exploring plant redox lan...
Next webinar will be on 5th December 2023 at 15:00 CET on the topic “Persulfides”
Our next webinar will be on 5th December 2023 at 15:00 CET on the topic “Persulfides” and, we are excited to announce the following talks:
Supersulfides as a basis of antioxidant syst...
News from the ECR subcommittee
In today's newsletter, we will announce our Christmas Photo Competition and officially wave goodbye to one of our members. We will announce our next webinar on the topic “Persulfidess...
Next webinar on "Hypoxia & mitochondrial dynamics" will take place on 7th of November 2023 at 15:00 h CET
Control of bioenergetics and ROS fro...
PhD student mini-symposium “Redox Relay Race: Ph.D. Students on the Move”
Our first PhD student mini-symposium entitled “Redox Relay Race: Ph.D. Students on the Move” will take place on 17th of October 2023 at 15:00 h CET, and we are excited to announce the ...
September News from the ECR subcommittee
We hope you have enjoyed your summer break as much as we did. We are now entering the last trimester of the year, and for redox ECRs it will be full of exciting news. First, we would l...
July News from the ECR subcommittee
Dear colleagues,
In today's newsletter we will share with you our highlights from the SFRR-E Annual Meeting, and update you on our recent and next redox webinar before our summer break (we will be ...
May News from the ECR subcommittee
In today's newsletter you can find updates about our previous and next seminar as well as more information for the events dedicated to early career research at the annual SFRR-E meetin...
April news from the ECR subcommittee
Dear colleagues,
In this month’s newsletter we are delighted to introduce the speakers for the next webinar and highlight the current open calls for funding opportunities for Early Career Researche...
March News from the ECR subcommittee
In today's newsletter you can find information about our webinar series, the events we are planning for the annual SFRR-E meeting in Vienna dedicated only to ECRs and we will also int...
February News from the ECR subcommittee
In today's newsletter we will share some news on our recent activities and give you some updates on half of the current members (including some random fun facts that were asked via In...
Updates from the ECR committee - Join our Mentoring Program
Earlier this year, the Society for Free Radical Research Europe has introduced a new subcommittee dedicated to early career researchers, the ECR Subcommittee. The Subcommittee aims to...
NEW Webinar Series “Emerging leaders in redox biology”
We are delighted to present to you our newest Webinar Series “Emerging leaders in redox biology”.
This Webinar Series will take place on the first Tuesday of the month at 15h CET, sta...

Description and Mission Statement
The subcommittee aims to create a vibrant ECR community within the SFRR-E devoted to young investigators' education, visibility, and mobility. Building upon the core values of SFRR-E, the ECR Subcommittee aims to promote new ECR memberships and increase SFRR-E presence on social media platforms.
To support training and education in redox research, the ECR Subcommittee will organize topic-specific seminar series, courses, and workshops aimed at young investigators to facilitate the dissemination of ideas, recent scientific discoveries, methodological breakthroughs, and technological advancements. In addition, the ECR Subcommittee will aim to bring together early-career and experienced investigators to provide guidance and support to the next generation of redox scientists.
To increase the visibility of young investigators and promote research output, the ECR Subcommittee will create opportunities for science communication at the SFRR-E Annual Meetings, Summer Schools, Workshops, and Seminar Series through poster and oral communications, open discussions, and round tables.
Additionally, the ECR Subcommittee will create open spaces and organize social events to stimulate networking, collaboration, exchange, and mentoring opportunities between young investigators and experts from different fields of redox research.